New facilities and infrastructure for new F-35 fighters to be built at the Rovaniemi base

Defence Properties Finland is to build maintenance, training and storage facilities for Lapland Air Command as well as airfield structures for the upcoming F-35 multirole fighters. Preparatory work began in June this year and actual construction got underway in September. Construction in Rovaniemi is estimated to last until 2027.
“Building up F-35 capability will be the most important development in Lapland Air Command over the next few years. The plan is to operate with F-35 multirole fighters until the 2060s,” says Lieutenant Colonel Jaakko Salomäki, Chief of Operations at Lapland Air Command.
Construction will be seen in the garrison surroundings in the form of earthmoving, shaping the landscape and increased construction site traffic among other things. Quarrying and crushing rock aggregate might at times cause noise in the neighbouring area until autumn next year.
Costs of around €150 million have been earmarked for the project at the Rovaniemi base, which besides new construction also includes renovation work.
“The project will have an impact on employment both locally and regionally, which is particularly good news now that the construction sector is struggling,” says Suvi Jokio, Account Manager at Defence Properties Finland.
The Arctic climatic conditions and environment of Northern Finland have been taken into account in project design and construction. Apart from occasional noise, construction is not expected to cause other material environmental impacts.
The Finnish Defence Forces’ first F-35 fighters will be delivered to Finland, to Lapland Air Command in Rovaniemi in 2026. Defence Properties Finland is responsible for the properties for the fighters, their construction and upkeep as well as for providing property services in all security situations.
Properties and infrastructure for the fighters will be built at all Finnish Air Force bases during this decade.
Photo: Finnish Defence Forces